Affordable Carpet Steam Cleaning in Toorak
According to a recent study, some 60% of Australian homes have carpets fitted. There are many reasons for this: the right carpet can look effortlessly stylish, while also adding extra insulation to your home. Carpets can also be used to make your home appear more welcoming or inviting.
However, as time goes on, your carpets will begin to lose their lustre. Constant footprints (or pawprints) will not only wear down the fibres, but also cause dirty, dust and other kinds of debris to become embedded in the surface of your carpet. While regular vacuuming can keep this at bay, they often cannot pick up everything. This could leave your carpet looking dull or dirty, especially if you opted for a fairer shade when designing the room. As a result, it’s important that you look into carpet cleaning services in your local area.
Furthermore, keeping your carpet clean is about more than ensuring it looks good – it’s also a matter of health and safety. According to experts, each square inch of household carpet contains upwards of 200,000 bacteria – which could leave yourself or your family members vulnerable to sickness. This is a particularly pressing issue for those who deal with allergies, as a wide range of allergens are found on carpets, including dust, pet dander, dead skin cells and pollen.